Mentor vzw, working on your future

Mentor promotes durable employment for disadvantaged groups on the labour market. The Mentor offices are based at Kortrijk, Belgium but the work field extends to all of West Flanders, East Flanders and far beyond these provinces.

For jobseekers

We map the abilities and personal characteristics of jobseekers by means of a vocational assessment. Armed with the clear understanding of his or her talents, the jobseeker can specifically look for the correct job and/or training.


Vocational training programmes

We organize several vocational training programmes that answer to the needs of the labour market and the jobseekers. In each training programme, the participant acquires both the technical skills and the necessary work attitudes.


Individual guidance

We guide jobseekers on the labour market through extensive one-on-one coaching and group sessions, such as job application training, language coaching, workshops on basic skills, computer training and more. “Mentor shows people that they can make a contribution to society, regardless of their age , and for that I am thankful. It gives people the courage to risk themselves on the labour market and still apply for a job” (Diego, participant job application training) “I can only say that I had a great experience with Mentor. They save people.” (Sophie, participant orientation)


For employees


Screening and selection

We screen and select candidates for vacancies. We draw up a function profile, organize selection interviews and take tests. The skills, motivation and personality of the candidate are mapped and reported to the employer.


Job coaching and language coaching

We support new employees at the work place in non-technical skills, oriented towards optimal functioning on the job.


Career guidance

We offer career guidance to employees to map out their future in a personal development plan, giving insight in their personal situation, in their talents and their strengths, their needs and their wishes and propose actions that can boost this personal development plan.



We offer specific guidance for employees who were dismissed by their company. We guide them in the search for a new job, so that they will quickly find a new job thanks to this intensive support . “A social HR policy paying attention to vulnerable target groups is a goal for our company. But how do you handle these new employees who haven’t been working for a while? Our experience is that an external, independent coach is a great help. And that’s what we found at Mentor. As a confidant, guide and problem-solver, the Mentor coach comes to the work place and functions as an ideal link between the employee and the employer during those first months. Not a luxury at all, we can really recommend it to every company!” (Griet Langedock, HR Officer – Event Coordinator Matexi) The career guidance programme was very valuable to me, because I got a better view on who I am, what competences I have and which way I can go in my career. The coach motivated me to see things from the bright side and helped me with my self-confidence.” (Rosalinde, participant career guidance)


For employers



We advise companies in the field of HR management, organizational and quality management and business economic and financial policy. These lead to durable development of companies.


Customized trainings

We offer training programmes and workshops for professionals about working with vulnerable people, selection interviews, financial policy, coaching of staff, … These trainings can be offered in the Memtor premises or can be organized with the company itself.


Computer training programmes

Mentor has many years of experience with ICT and bridging the digital divide. That’s why we also offer extensive training on computer skills. Thanks to our mobile computer classes we can bring our own computers for the training to the company. “The basic follow-up by Mentor consultants, with all its financial and organizational analyses, is a valuable addition to the evaluation we make of our company.” (Joost Vande Winkel, Buurtdiensten Gent Noord) “The advice to companies is a handy way for us to analyse our company in all its facets.” (Kathy Brinckman, Coordinator ‘t Poetshuis Oostende)


Regional, national and European cooperation


(Social) Economy and labour market

Throughout the years Mentor has successfully completed many projects with employers and social economy initiatives. For example the learning network talent ‘Talent development’ that developed an instrument that allows bringing out the talents of staff members by means of an easily accessible conversation technique. This tool is validated by the European Social Fund (ESF). Other recent ESF projects are ‘POP-up’, on personal development plans for employees or ‘Transfer’, a project on career transitions from social to regular economy.


Social Inclusion

Mentor has vast experiences in projects in the field of social inclusion. SUCCES is an INTERREG IVA 2 Seas project that developed different initiatives on knowledge, skills and competences for hard to reach target groups in deprived areas. This project was one of the finalists for the Regiostars Award 2013 of the European Commission. Another social innovation project is Way to Learn to Work (Erasmus+ programme). This is a partnership of 13 partners from 9 European countries who exchange knowledge, methods and tools on strengthening youth employment rates in their region.



Projects intending to close the digital gap have allowed Mentor to develop a broad network that allows organizing specially adapted ICT training programmes. For example Citizen First (INTERREG IIIB North Sea Region) that targeted all residents of the city of Kortrijk with digital inclusion programmes, or iAge (INTERREG IVB North Sea Region) that focused more on the elderly and their use of ICT. “Innovative projects and cross border partnerships give Mentor that extra push to be on top of trends in the field of employment, the labour market, vulnerable target groups and on local, regional, national or European policy level. This expertise offers a great value throughout the entire organization”. (Justien Jonckheere, Project Manager Mentor vzw)


Contact us


Mentor vzw
Budastraat 27
8500 Kortrijk
Tel: 0032 56 26 44 34